世界上的20个禁地 小说他在地图末尾停了下来地图上清楚的写着三个字葬龙谷

世界上的20个禁地 小说:他在地图末尾停了下来,地图上清楚的写着三个字:葬龙谷


20. Snake Island, Brazil 巴西蛇岛

Ilha da Queimada Grande (a.k.a Snake Island) is a tiny island off the coast of Brazil. Snake Island is home to the venomous golden lancehead snake (Bothrops insularis) which has an incredibly lethal venom known to cause more human mortalities than any other group of snakes in either North or South America. The golden lancehead snake is extremely dangerous and the venom contracted from its bite could kill a human within an hour.


The golden lancehead snake has a population between 2,000 to 4,000 situated in the island’s rainforest, but there are many other varieties of snake on the island, with only a small amount of non-venomous snakes. There is estimated to now be between one and five snakes per square meter. For human protection and the welfare of the critically endangered golden lancehead snakes, Snake Island is completely off limits to the public.


19 – Lascaux Caves, France拉斯科岩洞,法国

Lascaux Caves in France is home to 600+ Paleolithic wall paintings which are predicted to be over 20,000 years old. The paintings which cover the walls and ceilings illustrate large animals (bulls, stags, cattle, bison and more), local fuana and abstract symbols. Anthropologists and art historians believe these paintings could depict successful past hunts or ritualistic trance visions.


The Lascaux caves which once received 1,200 visitors per day limited entrants in the late 1950’s due to lichens and crystals starting to appear on the walls. Sadly, the issues only worsened and there was a rapid growth of white mould across walls and ceilings as well as a fungal spread leaving black blemishes. In 1963 the caves were completely closed to the public and never reopened.


18 – Area 51, United States51区,美国

Area 51 is a highly restricted remote military base in the Nevade Desert which is closely guarded from the public. Conspiracy theorists often claim the purpose of Area 51 is for the storage and examination of alien spacecraft, meetings with extra terrestrials and many other wild theories that often draw links with the Roswell event.


The real reason Area 51 exists is still a mystery and remains highly classified. Trying to enter would be irresponsible though since it is surrounded by signs warning that security is authorized to use deadly force on people who insist on trespassing.


17 – North Sentinel Island, India北森蒂纳尔岛,印度

North Sentinel Island is a tiny island, part of the Andaman chain, off the coast of Myanmar. Native to the island are the Sentinelese who have lived there for over 60,000 years and are extremely opposed to outside influences and remain entirely disconnected from the modern world. For this reason, very little is known about North Sentinel Island.


Indian Authorities respect their right to complete isolation and prohibits any visitors, even to the point where they are free from laws and can kill outsiders who trespass on their land. Reportedly, an Indian Coast Guard helicopter flying nearby on reconnaissance, was shot at with arrows by natives.


16 – Ise Grand Shrine, Japan伊势神宫,日本

Japan is the homeland of shrines. With more than 80,000 national shrines you could say they are a very important part of Japanese culture. But one shrine tops them all; the Ise Grand Shrine, an ornate temple that is also the most expensive in Japan due to its intricate architecture.


And with that level of detail comes some pretty hefty maintenance too. Every 20 years the shrine is rebuilt at a cool million dollar price tag, in order to appease the Shinto tradition of death and renewal.

With all of this hard work you may fancy taking a look at this beautiful icon of Japanese culture yourself, but let us stop you there, unless of course you are a member of the Japanese imperial family. They are the only people on Earth who are granted that special permission.



15 – Heard Island, Australia赫德岛,澳大利亚

This barren, volatile island somewhere between Madagascar and Antarctica technically belongs to Australia. Though we suspect most Australians would prefer to stay on their own golden beaches than attempt to visit this bleak and desolate rock in the middle of nowhere.


Considered one of the most remote places on earth, this 368-square-mile landmass is mountainous, has a staggering 41 glaciers and two volcanoes. Active ones at that; in the year 2000 a 2 kilometre long lava flow poured out from the southwest side of one of the volcanoes. If that wasn’t enough to deter you from trying to visit, the weather is also notoriously poor with high speed rough winds and heavy rainfall.


If you are still keen to visit the islands, bear in mind its a minimum of a two-week sail to any other major land mass making it one of the most treacherous places to try and reach in the world. Only penguins, seals and marine birds are brave enough to call this place home.


Even if you defeated the elements and made it to the shores of Heard Island you would be likely be breaking the law as humans are strictly prohibited from visiting unless you have “compelling scientific reasons.”


14 – Vatican Secret Archives, Vatican City梵蒂冈机密档案馆,梵蒂冈

The Vatican Secret Archives are officially said to contain historical artefacts dating back more than 12 centuries. The vast 53 mile archive houses an impressive collection of relics including letters penned by Michelangelo, and the pleas for help that Mary Queen of Scots sent to Pope Sixtus V before her execution. This could be the greatest collection of historical objects in the world, yet only a handful of people have ever been allowed inside.


As a result the Secret Archives are shrouded in mystery and subject to wild conspiracy theories. Speculation of what lies within these forbidden walls include evidence of magic, demons, extraterrestrials and details of the predicted apocalypse…or even the missing Chronovisor, a nifty device that allows its users to view past or future events and was purportedly built by an Italian priest and scientist, Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti, so he could witness Christ’s crucifixion first hand.

梵蒂冈机密档案馆被盖上了神秘的面纱,产生了某些荒谬的阴谋论,有人怀疑这个禁地里藏有关于邪祟,魔鬼,卫星人的考证和预言世界末日的详细资料……甚至有人怀疑藏有消失的时空观察机—-一个非常精美的机器,用它可以穿越时空,看到过去和未来发生的事情,据说,这个神秘物件由一名意大利人所造,此人就是大名鼎鼎的科学家Pellegrino Maria Ernetti神父,他是看到耶酥被钉在十字架上的第一人。

Fascinating indeed…yet unless you are an incredibly select scholar who is approved by the Vatican and you have specifically asked to view a particular relic then your chances of gaining access are next to none!


13 – Tomb of Qin Shi Huang, China秦始皇墓,中国

You’ll no doubt be familiar with the iconic faces of the underground army of terracotta warriors at Xi’an; one of the most incredible archaeological discoveries of all time. Though this ancient site sees thousands of tourists descend in their droves, not many are aware that buried deep beneath them, lies an emperor in his mausoleum, surrounded by a river of poisonous mercury, who’s been undisturbed for more than 2000 years.


The tomb holds the body and the secrets of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, who died on Sept. 10, 210 B.C. No human being has ever stepped inside these sacred walls and it will likely stay that way for the foreseeable future. We can only ever imagine what treasures lie within…


12 – Surtsey Island, Iceland叙尔特塞岛,冰岛

Surtsey Island is a small volcanic island off the coast of Iceland, and a natural haven for various flora and fauna which makes it a destination favoured by scientists who gather information on plant and animal life.


Pre 1960’s the rules about visiting the island of Surtsey were a little more lax than they are now. All of that changed because of a tomato. Yes, a tomato. One scientist who visited the island answered a call of nature upon a lava rock, weeks later a tomato plant began sprouting on that very spot leaving fellow scientists completely baffled. After much thought they finally realised what must have been the origin of the mysterious tomato plant and it was immediately destroyed as it would have disturbed their scientific research. We are pretty sure the scientist in question wasn’t allowed back either..


As a result visitors are now strictly limited in their numbers to avoid disrupting the eco-system of this natural laboratory. And those who do manage to make it onto the island are thoroughly searched for seeds before they step foot on land.


11 – North Brother Island, United States北兄弟岛,美国

Less than a mile from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan lies a secret island that has been abandoned for almost 60 years. North Brother Island is home to the Riverside Hospital which has seen its fair share of death, decay and ruin over the years.


Once used as a place to quarantine sufferers of tuberculosis, yellow fever and small pox in the 19th century; later it was used after World War II to house veterans, and then as a treatment centre for heroin addicts. Now sadly left to crumble, it lies in ruins covered by weeds and overgrown plants.


Today it is a haven for birds and only with very strict written permission from the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation can you gain access to the island, otherwise it is strictly forbidden.


10 – Mezhgorye, Russia梅日戈尔耶,俄罗斯

It transpires that Russia has its very own Area 51, only it’s a whole town. Mezhgorye is situated deep within the Ural Mountains and is said to be 400 square miles large but its still completely off the radar. The Kremlin claims it is merely a mining site but that doesn’t explain why its surrounded by two battalions of armed guards who will use lethal force to prevent anyone going anywhere within the vicinity.


It is believed that Mezhgorye could be a nuclear missile site containing automatic missiles that can be activated remotely, complete with a large fully equipped emergency bunker to house Russia’s oligarchy if nuclear war became a reality.


9 – The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem圆顶清真寺,耶路撒冷

Both Jews and Muslims flock to Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which is considered to be one of the holiest sites in the world. This ornate temple dates back to the first century BC. Deep within the inner sanctum of the temple walls is an even more exclusive site which is off limits and fiercely forbidden to all but a very select group.


Welcome to The Dome of The Rock; this ornately beautiful cobalt blue, gold topped iconic Islamic shrine is a truly sacred site. Only those who practice Islam are allowed beyond the holy walls. According to Islamic scripture this holy site contains the Foundation Stone and was where the prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the angel Gabriel.


8 – Niihau, United States尼豪岛,美国

We all like the thought of a truly exclusive getaway. Somewhere not everyone gets to visit with a hefty slice of privacy. Well one family get exactly that, whenever they fancy.


Welcome to the mysterious island of Niihau in Hawaii, it’s earned the title of “The Forbidden Island,” as even its visibility remains elusive; the only way to catch sight of it is as the sun sets and its silhouette emerges. This secret island paradise has been owned by a single family for more than 150 years, and they are very careful to keep it far away from the gaze of the outside world. They are the only ones who enjoy access to the island and it has been passed down the family line after it was first purchased in the 1860’s.


7 – The Queen’s Bedroom, U.K 女王的卧室,英国

Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s official London residence, and home of the British monarchy since 1837. It is of course one of the top attractions for anyone visiting London; often the state rooms and the gardens will be opened to the public and tours are conducted around the palace and grounds, but of course one room remains strictly off limits. It is of course the Queen’s Bedroom, unless of course you happen to be the Queen, or maybe her husband Phillip. Although we are sure even he has to ask Her Royal Highness nicely.


Or maybe your name is Michael Fagan, and then you would have committed one of the greatest feats of all time by scaling a 20ft wall and hoisting yourself up a drainpipe to stand proudly within the Queen’s bedroom. Just to win a bet with some friends; now that’s what we call drinking games gone a step too far. However, part of us is also intrigued to have a look ourselves!


6 – Coca-Cola Recipe Vault, United States可口可乐配方库,美国

Nothing beats an ice cold Coca-Cola on a hot day, and millions around the world agree. The recipe for our favourite fizzy drink is one of the most closely guarded secrets in the world. There are claims that only two people know it at any given time and they can never travel on the same plane in case it crashes.


As a back up plan, just in case disaster did strike, the legendary mystery formula is secured in a vault in Atlanta. And you’d need more than a lock and key to get into it. The protected secret recipe is kept in a solid metal box inside a metal vault which is in a room protected by a security barrier. The area has high tech surveillance cameras throughout with 24 hour armed guards, and the door can only be opened via a hand scanner and secret code.


Whilst we may all love to know what makes Coca Cola taste so darn good we can be pretty certain it no longer contains the ingredient that everyone couldn’t get enough of pre 1903. Yes that’s right, before then each bottle of Coca-Cola would contain a hefty dose of cocaine! No wonder it perked you up.


5 – U.N. Buffer Zone, Cyprus联合国缓冲区,塞浦路斯

Behind barbed wire fences a watchtower looks down over an eerie scene; an airport stands, thick with dust, old aircraft decaying on the landing strips, nearby abandoned homes, businesses, cars and buildings lay idle as they have done for decades. This is the UN Buffer Zone which cuts through Cyprus, dividing the independent Republic of Cyprus from the Turkish-occupied northern part of the island.


In 1974, Turkish troops invaded Cyprus, escalating the civil war between the Greeks and the Turks. The U.N. then took control of this ‘buffer zone’ in the capital Nicosia after the ceasefire was declared. In an attempt to prevent future clashes between the populations of the two halves of the island, peacekeepers from the United Nations have patrolled the buffer zone for years. As a result this area has remained frozen in time, and no one is allowed into this zone and if you even tried you probably wouldn’t make it out alive.


4 – Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, Ethiopia锡安山圣玛丽亚教堂,埃塞俄比亚

Dating back to the 4th Century AD, the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion claims to contain the Ark of the Covenant, the ornate gold chest that houses the Ten Commandments. Though some doubt the authenticity of these claims, there are many more who believe it to be true.


Kept tightly under wraps, there is only one person allowed to view the Ark; a special guardian monk appointed by a predecessor. No one else in the world is allowed access to this most holy of relics, though many have tried to bribe the guardian monk to no avail…


3 – Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway斯瓦尔巴全球种子库,挪威

So imagine the scene, post nuclear fallout as the survivors attempt to rebuild and sustain human life upon planet Earth. The powers that be have got you covered. At least in terms of seedlings; 400 feet into a mountainside on the remote island of Spitsbergen, halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, lies a subterranean seed storage facility.


The Global Seed Vault as its known, houses approximately 890,000 samples of 4,000 different species of seeds from all over the world. The vault is designed as an insurance policy in the event of a global disaster that could wipe out certain species of plants, and more importantly major food supplies.

The Doomsday Vault is ominously described as ‘the final back up’ and has recently had its first withdrawal to retrieve vital seeds for Syria in the wake of the ongoing bloody conflict.


2 – Moscow Metro, Russia莫斯科地铁,俄罗斯

If nuclear catastrophe or epic natural disaster strikes Russia, they’ve got it covered. Welcome to the city beneath a city, Moscow’s purported secret underground system, a series of metro lines linking the Kremlin, the Federal Security Office HQ, the government airport and several other important locations.


Reportedly built by the KGB, the existence of this complex labyrinth hasn’t been formally admitted to by Russia but its rumoured that Stalin’s extreme paranoia was the catalyst for its construction.


1 – Fort Knox, United States诺克斯堡,美国

If you fancy getting your hands on America’s hoards of gold then you will have your work cut out. This Kentucky military base has been used for many purposes over the years but is currently used to house the US’s gold. As you can imagine security here is pretty tight. You know the saying ‘harder to get into than Fort Knox’? Well it’s true.


Hurdles you’d have to overcome to get your hands on piles of the shiny stuff include barbed wire, minefields, electric fences, armed guards and security cameras. If you manage to get that far bear in mind there are Apache helicopters poised and waiting for the signal to fire. Good luck!










































































































“星宇,我觉得食堂的人得搬迁了,宿舍那边至少会比这里安全一些。”叶潇潇是真心建议 ,她看到那个15级的等级建议,就已经皱紧了眉头。















王哥则在这边与齐星宇商量 ,“这么多人,桥那边有合适的地方住吗?”








