The practice of drinking tea has had a long history in China, havingoriginated from there. The Chinese drink tea during many parts of the day suchas at meals for good health or simply for pleasure. Although tea originatesfrom China, Chinese tea generally represent tea leaves which have beenprocessed using methods inherited from ancient China. According to popularlegend, tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shennong in 2737 BCE when a leaffrom a Camellia sinensis tree fell into water the emperor was boiling. Tea isdeeply woven into the history and culture of China. The beverage is consideredone of the seven necessities of Chinese life, along with firewood, rice, oil,salt, sauce[clarification needed] and vinegar.
Some writers classify tea into four categories, white, green, oolong andblack. Others add categories for red, scented and compressed teas. All ofthese come from varieties of the Camellia sinensis plant. Chinese flower tea(花茶), while popular, is not a true tea. Most Chinese tea is consumed in Chinaand is not exported. Green tea is the most popular type of tea used in China.
Within these main categories of tea are vast varieties of individualbeverages. Some researchers have counted more than 700. Others put the numberat more than 1,000. Some of the variations are due to different strains of theCamilla plant. The popular Tie Guan Yin 铁观音, for example, is traced back to asingle plant discovered in Anxi 安溪 in the Fujian province. Other teas drawsome of their characteristics from local growing conditions. However, thelargest factor in the wide variations comes from differences in tea processingafter the tea leaves are harvested. White and green teas are heat treated(shāqīng (杀青)) soon after picking to prevent oxidization, often calledfermentation, caused by natural enzymes in the leaves. Oolong teas arepartially oxidized. Black and red teas are fully oxidized. Other differencescome from variations in the processing steps.
绿茶:Green Tea ,红茶:Black Tea ,白茶:White Tea, 黄茶:Yellow Tea,黑茶 :Brick Tea,茶叶:Tea Leaves ,花草茶:Herbal Tea ,香草茶:Vanilla Tea 。
绿茶,英文Green Tea,是中国的主要茶类之一。
以上内容参考 绿茶
洞庭碧螺春Biluochun 西湖龙井Longjing
安溪铁观音Iron Guanyin 黄山毛峰Maofeng
武夷大红袍Big Hongpao 君山银针Silver Needle
冻顶乌龙Wulong 六安瓜片Guapian
云南普洱茶Puer Tea 祁门红茶Black Tea(美俚、英方经常把black tea叫做红茶)
China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of tea culture. The discovery andutilization of tea in China, has a history of four thousand or five thousandyears, and long fill do not decline, spread throughout the world. Tea is oneof the world's most popular, the most popular, beneficial to the physical andmental healthy green drinks. Tea into the world in one, advocate" tea, aworld".
Tea culture including tea tasting techniques, art appreciation, operationmeans of tea a better environment for the taste of the tea of my mood. Theprocess of form and spirit of unity, is the process of the formation of thetea culture phenomenon. It originated long ago, has a long history, profoundculture, and religious activity. The whole world has more than 100 countriesand area residents are fond of tea. Some places tea tea as a kind of enjoymentof the arts to promote. The tea is identical, each has its own merits. TheChinese people have always had a "guest to tea" custom, which fully reflectsthe Chinese national civilization and politeness.