
不忘初心英文是什么? 不忘初心的英语作文


Do not forget the original intention


1. 人生没有那么多不公平,所有的功成名就都是干出来的;所有的卓然不群都是逼出来的;所有的轻松生活都是熬出来的。

2. 一个人可以非常清贫困顿低微,但是不可以没有梦想。只要梦想一天,只要梦想存在一天,就可以改变自己的处境。――奥普拉

3. 当一个人走过 人生 ,看过满世繁华,苍冷灰白,体验过 幸福 温馨,铭心刻骨后,才会明白“不忘初心”这四个字。

4. 摆脱不了人性,我只能时刻提醒我自己,勿忘初心。

5. 勿忘初心是对人生,梦想,他人的一种态度,而隆重的仪式感则是这种态度最虔诚的表达方式。

6. 只有登上山顶,才能看到远处的风光。

7. 随手翻开一本书,看到读书时代的座右铭“如果你不开心,帮人就会开心”希望自己勿忘初心

8. 如果一样东西你得到了,却觉得不过如此,那么这个想得到其实就是你的欲望,如果一样东西你得到以后依然爱不释手,这才是你真正想要的。

9. 时尚不能拯救生活,它改变不了 命运 的安排, 但它能拯救你,让你即使在逆境中也能保持自信,当生活的本质显现出黑暗的一面时,对外表的在意便会焕发出一种充满尊严的光芒, 这是一种勇敢而高贵的活法。时尚不能拯救生活,它改变不了命运的安排,我一直提醒自己周围越是心浮气躁,越应该有所 坚持 。 在书影与光影中修行,是每日的早课。 别人看或不看,爱或不爱,你的初心都不能改。本是在穿过窄门,路是小的,同行的人也必少,你早就知道。

10. 天早已经黑了,梦早已经碎了,眼前早已不是记忆,自己早已不是曾经,又何来“勿忘初心”一说


Do not forget the beginning of the heart, all the way to run
In this case,

In the life of the road, as long as you have a goal in any case will not giveup, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles in front of you, you canstill persist in the end. Do not forget the beginning of the heart, all theway to run, you want to not far away.
In this case,
In the accelerating pace of life which, even your emotions have to becomefaster and faster, in order to meet the daily state of the best challenges.During the day, you can only worry at night alone, or even take it to sleep.When you wake up the next day, you have to put it in a corner of the heart, toconcentrate on dealing with the new day, the sadness of the past, you can onlyquietly in the dark night, even tears. The next day woke up, you have to findways to cover up the face of haggard, tell everyone you are good.

Every day, you will have a lot of things to do, there will be endless problemswaiting for you to solve. You do not have too much time into a negative mood,but also in the shortest possible time to adjust their emotions, and thencontinue to run forward. You will feel so tired, but you will not choose togive up, because you have to complete the goal. Perhaps your dream, perhapsfor the most important person, you can stick to the present, and determined toadhere to the end.
In this case,
There will always be a section of the road of life, and even paragraphs thatyou need to run hard journey, do not worry, do not despair, remember yourgoal, go ahead like a. And then long way, as long as you do not stop, has beenrunning down, there will always be a moment to finish, but as long as you giveup, you may never be sorry. Regardless of the future road is flat, you stillhave to forget the beginning of the heart, all the way to run, ran all thebumpy, toward your goal.







1)第一种英文说法:stay hungry,stay foolish


2)第二种英文说法:stay true to yourself


3)第三种说法:stay gold

这句话来自於Robert Frost的一首诗“Nothing gold canstay”(岁月留金)。在时光的冲刷之下,什N都留不下。但唯有金子,不畏时间,不畏火炼,总能保持最初的那份纯度。所以,staygold就是告诫我们要想金子一样,无论环境怎样变,不忘初心。

Nothing gold can stay岁月留金

Robert Frost罗伯特・弗罗斯特

Nature's first green is gold,大自然的第一抹新绿是金,

Her hardest hue to hold.也是她最无力保留的颜色.。

Her early leaf's a flower;她初发的叶子如同一朵花,;

But only so an hour.然而只能持续若此一刹那。

Then leaf subsides to leaf,随之如花新叶沦落为旧叶。

So Eden sank to grief.由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切,

So dawn goes down to day,破晓黎明延续至晃晃白昼。

Nothing gold can stay.宝贵如金之物岁月难保留。



Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.
Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

Aim high and look far, be alert to dangers even in times of calm.
Seeing Party self-governance exercised fully and with rigor.
No place has been out of bounds, no ground left unturned, and no toleranceshown in the fight against corruption.
We have taken firm action to “take out tigers”, “swat flies” and “hunt downfoxes”.
Moral defenses against corruption are in the making.
The last leg of a journey marks the halfway point.
We should pursue a just cause for common good.
It takes a good blacksmith to make steel.
